
Walk by Faith...Marked with Christ

In 2007, after a wonderful summer working at camp, I got my first tattoo. It is on my right foot and is an Ichthys (Jesus fish) with a heart and a cross inside. It is on my foot to represent the way early Christians identified themselves to other Christians. They would use their foot to draw the shape of the Ichthys in the sand. So, on my foot I wear a sign of my faith.

Last fall I started wanting another tattoo and that started to materialize in January. I found a design and made an appointment for Wednesday, February 22nd. Some of you may recognize that date as Ash Wednesday. And others of you may recognize that date as the day I, along with other senior seminarians, found out our regional assignments.

So, with my forehead laden with ashes I went to get my tattoo. If you want to have an evangelism moment then go get a tattoo with an ashen cross on your forehead. It is quite the experience. After explaining the ashes on my forehead, the piercing artist at the studio, who just happened to be in the room when I was getting the tattoo responded, "Good, I was thinking you were in a cult." That was an experience I will not forget and one that will likely be used in a few sermons down the road.

My new tattoo is on my left foot. I guess I just like my feet, but it also has a greater significance. It is on my foot, because it refers to "walking." This tattoo is my confirmation verse: 2 Corinthians 5:7, which says, "Walk by faith and not by sight." It is in the form of an ambigram, which means it can be read one way and then from another view point it reads differently.

I couldn't think of a better time to get a new tattoo, especially the one I decided to get. It is so appropriate at this moment in life when I am stepping out into a new role, a new place, and a new chapter of life. And throughout this whole process I have had to walk by faith and not by sight.


I'm Going Home...

I have been assigned to the South Dakota Synod. This is my home synod and includes the entire state of South Dakota. I am excited to see where this adventure takes me. Let me share with you a few of the random things in South Dakota that I am excited about...

**Dakota Style Potato Chips
**Ol' West BBQ Sauce
**Taco Johns
**Rolling Plains
**Watching Storms Roll In
**The Horizon
**Lutherans Outdoors (including the newest ELCA camp)
**Oh Baby Oh's
**75 MPH Speed Limit
**No State Income Tax

I am sure I could keep going...but I think this proves the point. I am excited to be going home!


Another Step of the Journey

O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Yesterday was the day, the day that seniors seminarians were assigned to region of the country. It's official: I have been assigned to Region 3. For a reminder of what part of the country that is please click here. Shortly after March 1st I should know which synod, a smaller geographical area, I have specifically been assigned to. I am very excited to see where God is calling me for this new chapter of my life. Your continued prayers are much appreciated as the journey continues to unfold for me and my colleagues.


The End...And Yet, The Beginning

I received some exciting news today. I have been unanimously approved for ordination by the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America! This is the end of one journey, and yet, the beginning of another new and exciting journey.

You may wonder, what does that mean? It means that upon successful completion of my final four classes at seminary this spring and my graduation with a Master of Divinity of degree I will have fulfilled all of the steps towards being called by a congregation to be a pastor.

Where might that congregation be? That it yet to be determined. On Ash Wednesday, February 22nd, I will find out where I have been assigned to. First I will find out which region I am assigned to and then within a few days or a couple of weeks I will find out which synod. This language is pretty confusing to people inside the church, let alone people outside of the church. For a little help in understanding it you can check out this map. To put it simply: a region is larger geographical area and a synod, is a smaller portion of that region. I did have the opportunity to preference where I want to be, but it is only a preference, not a guarantee. I preferenced regions 3, 4, and 5. If you look on the map you will see where those regions are at.

How will I find a job? Now I won't actually be a pastor, until I have a job, or a call, as people in the church call it. And I won't go about finding this call, like most people typically go about finding a job. Instead, whichever synod I am assigned to will evaluate the open calls they have and pair me with a congregation that seems to be a good fit. I will exchange paperwork with that congregation and they will decide if they would like to interview me. If they want to interview me the process will move forward with that congregation. If not, then the synod will look for another congregation for me to exchange paperwork with. This process will continue until I have a call.

What happens after I have a call? Once a congregation decides to call me to be their pastor and I accept that call I will be ordained. I will be ordained within the context of a worship service and my friends and family will be invited to celebrate this milestone with me. Ordination recognizes that I have been called by God to the ministry of word and sacrament, that I have been theologically trained, and that I have been given authority to enter into this office of ministry. Ideally, this will happen sooner, rather than later, but I really have no idea at this point when or where my ordination will happen. Don't worry, when I know, you will know too!

I thank you for your prayers that have helped me come this far by faith and trust that you will continue to hold me in your prayers as this process continues.


12 Days of 2011

I have been inspired by several friends who have used the "12 Days of Christmas" to review their year. Here on this 12th day of Christmas I would like to share my review of 2011.

12 plus sermons
One of the best gifts of internship was getting in the habit of writing sermons...and I know I wrote more than 12!

11 papers written
Once I was back to school the paper writing began again...I would much rather write a sermon!

10 cupcakes eaten
My greatest discovery in DC was cupcakes and I made sure to share my new found love with plenty of visiting friends!

9 hour bus ride
At the end of Internship I took the Megabus for 9 hour to Boston, MA and then took the train to Gloucester, MA where I spent a week vacationing by myself!

8 days of mission
In July I led a group from DC to the Lake Traverse Reservation in SD for a mission trip...It was a wonderful time!

7 months in DC
I successfully completed my Internship in DC during July...and am thankful for the wonderful memories I created and people I met!

6 grad school classes
In December I added 6 more completed courses to my seminary transcript...only 4 more to go!

5 K complete
In May I completed the Susan G. Komen 5K walk...and even jogged across the finish line. Take that cancer!

4 airplane tickets
Throughout the year I flew to Birmingham, AL to visit a friend who was doing her internship there, South Dakota for our mission trip, Denver, CO to visit a friend from college, and back to South Dakota for Christmas!

3 regions preferenced
In December I submitted my paperwork for Assignment in the ELCA...which allowed me to preference 3 regions of the country. In February I will find out where I am headed!

2 friends engaged
This fall two of my greatest friends at seminary got engaged -- to each other! I am so excited for their wedding this coming summer.

1 Starbucks gold card
In July I managed to achieve GOLD status at Starbucks...which really just means I drink too much coffee and get some perks!

Wishing you the greatest 12th day of Christmas and a blessed 2012!


On Being 25

I turned 25 a week ago and it has been a whirlwind ever since. I had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday, but I was also in the midst of packing, cleaning, and saying farewell to all of my new friends in Washington, DC. On Sunday I completed my year long internship at a Lutheran congregation in Washington, DC. I was so busy that I kind of didn't even get a chance to reflect on what being 25 was like. Today I got the chance to reflect.

I am currently in Gloucester, MA on vacation. I took the Megabus from Washington, DC to Boston, MA. Then I took the "T', Boston's Public Transportation. I had to transfer trains once and then I had to board the commuter train that would take me to Gloucester. After arriving at the station in Gloucester I had to hail a taxi to take me to the house I would be staying at. So, I left my house at 7:30AM on Monday and arrived at the house in Gloucester at 9:30PM. It was a crazy day of traveling, but worth it. It was dark when I arrived so I had to wait until morning to see the beauty of this place. It was totally worth the wait. It is so serene. I can see the ocean from the window of the house and spend most of my time sitting at the kitchen table watching the waves crash into the rocks.

So how is being 25 different than being 24?
  • At 24 I didn't know anything about public transportation. At 25 I trusted myself to figure out a new public transportation system in Boston.
  • At 24 I never would have vacationed by myself. At 25 I am vacationing by myself and loving it (except that I don't have anyone to take my picture).
  • At 24 I struggled to eat dinner without some other form of entertainment. At 25 I am content to eat and not turn on the television or surf the internet.
  • At 24 I didn't really like the way I looked in a swimsuit. At 25 I look a lot better than I did last year.
  • At 24 I had never lived alone without the instant community of college or seminary. At 25 I can say I survived living alone for an entire year.
  • At 24 I couldn't rent a car without paying an arm and a leg of overage fees. At 25 I can rent a car without the extra fees.
  • At 24 I would have an occasional drink at Starbucks. At 25 I am a Gold Club member (not sure I should be proud of that).
  • At 24...well I was 24. At 25...now I am 25.
Here's to a wonderful year of being 25 and loving every minute of it!


A Quarter Of A Century

Today I am 25 years old, a quarter of a century. My 24th year of life was a great year. I have lived alone in the big city for a whole year. I have mastered public transportation. I have carried pepper spray. I have had my credit card stolen. I have had someone try to break into my house. I have walked more than ever before. I have completed a 5K walk. I have cooked almost all of my own meals. I have made more money than ever before. I have done a ton of sight seeing in the big city. I have learned a lot. I have been strengthened in my call to ministry. All of those are great things to celebrate.

However, today I am really celebrating something else. I am celebrating weight loss and health. In the past year I have lost over forty pounds. I am feeling so much better and am excited about continuing to become more healthy. My initial goal was to lose fifty pounds in one year before my 25th birthday, that would be two pounds for every year that I am old. I didn't quite make it, but I am so close that I can smell it. Take a look at the difference between these two photos, taken about a year apart. And even though I didn't meet my goal, I am so proud of myself. I have lost two to three sizes and shrunk out of between twenty and thirty pairs of pants. That, my friends, is a great accomplishment! Now it is time to set my goal for my 25th year. In the next year I hope to lose one pound for every year of my life, so 25 pounds by July 20, 2012. Here's to being 25!